Q4/2020 Lectures and Speeches

Rounding up the year with several speeches, presentations and zoom webinars and conferences over the last few weeks…

  • a couple of really insightful half day closed session conferences by the Centre of Asian Philantrophy with two eminent keynotes by Ray Dallio and Bill Gates. Spoke briefly about PPP in philantrophy, citing the Malaysian Trust Schools experience
  • the first two Khazanah Alumni (BYO) Tea Talks, featuring Tan Sri Andrew Sheng on the US-China Trade War and the return of great power rivalry and Prof KS Jomo on Whither Vision 2020. Great reunions for everyone .
  • Kick off sessions of the Global Future Council on Investing of the World Economic Forum (Davos). Am in the subgroup thinking through a Post-CAPM world. Now, that’s a thought !
  • delivered a Keynote at the Sri Lankan Economic Summit on the SOE and GLC experience of Malaysia. And commented on a panel with the Sri Lankan Prime Minister. Organized by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, this is Sri Lanka’s premier economic jamboree.
  • delivered a speech and discussion at the CGS-CIMB Thought Series entitled “Reflections of an Adventure Capitalist” to some 160 market participants. About my 40-year personal & professional journey through finance. Lively session, told them to seize the day!
  • delivered a speech and discussion on FB Live to Persatuan Ikram Malaysia on “Kemakmuran melalui Kepimipinan” or how to build a prosperous and harmonious nation through Leadership from the perspective of a corporate institutional trust holder. Anchored on Ibn Khaldun’s Circle of Equity framework while sharing the Khazanah and GLC experience.

Alhamdullilah, in spite of the year it was, 2020 turned out to be a productive year from the research sabattical standpoint. A lot of new ground covered, presentations delivered and the peace and quiet was very useful for reading. Syukur. 📖🙏🏼⚖️


25 December 2020