Ideas and Expressions

This section covers various areas of practical experience and academic interest that I have been involved in and continue to develop over the years. Upon retiring from Khazanah on 31st July 2018, I have been able to devote more time to bringing together more than 35 years of practical experience into a more structured academic form through various affiliations including as a visiting fellow at Cambridge University, as an adjunct professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and as an honorary doctor of letters at Wawasan Open Universiti in Malaysia, and through roles on committees and panels with the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Investing, the Global Ethical Finance Initiative, and the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies.

As a result, in the year period from August 2018 to date, more than 35 lectures, talks or speeches have been delivered, mostly in Malaysia and the UK as listed here.

Several of these documents are included in full below. In addition, several other materials from my 14 years at Khazanah is also included here. The materials here mainly cover the following areas of interest:

  • The value-creation and transformation process of building businesses and investment funds
  • The role of the State and Markets
  • The importance of Profits with Purpose
  • The relationship between Finance and Society
  • Leadership
  • Islamic and Sustainable Finance

These ideas and expressions are organized under five categories as highlighted below.

Building True Value

Building an Institution

(The Khazanah Years 2004 to 2018)

State X Markets

and the Challenge of Development


in the Post-Globalisation World

Talent Development,

Knowledge Development and Leadership

Podcasts and Recorded Lectures

Q4/2020 Lectures and Speeches

December 2020